Tuesday 10 May 2011

Evaluation- How my media product (magazine) uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of real media products (magazines)

Like most magazines I have kept to a maximum of 4 colours in my main colour scheme (pink, yellow, black and white) as this is the convention. This is usually done by magazines (especually R&B magazines) to avoid it from looking too chaotic, it also helps the magazine have a constant hpuse tyle. I personally chose pink, yellow, black and white as colour cheme because it was the most popular amongst my target audience- this was proved by my market research. I beleive these colours will alo help my magazine stand out on the shelf and go quite well with the summer/spring season in which my magazine is set to hit the stores.

I also kept to a maximum of three fonts, magazines do this because it helps the magazine look more organised. The variation in font size and colour helps the magazines choose which text they want to stand out (signaling importance). In my magazine I tried to use quite sofisticated yet still quite 'street', 'slang' language; this is because I wanted my magazine to attract a variation of R&B lovers. Furthermore, in the world of R&B, slang words are quite commonly used. I used words like 'blocks' intead of 'estate', this challenges the ususal convention of keeping magazines quite formally written, howver it means that my target audience will be able to relate to it more.

I went for a very comvetional front cover layout which only included one image, this is to prevent it from looking to cramped and disorganised. I did however challenge the usual convention of only having one image on either side of my feature article because I had two ob both sides, I developed the and had two images cropped around the text on both sides of the page. I also challenged the convention of having a page title either layed out horizontally or vertically, instead I decided to have the tile of my contents pafe crossing itself by making half of it cross horizontally and the other half vertically; this lead to the two words which make up the title meeting at the letter 'O'. This did however work in my favour as it made the title work as a border yet still stand out as a title. I genrally think that thwarting this convention worked well, another magazine that tends to do this is Vibe magazine, instead they split up only one word in a different way. I beleive that bypassing some of the convetions can attract customers who may be tired of looking at the same old thing.

Above: Image taken from Vibe magazine

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