Tuesday 3 May 2011

I chose to use a female model as my magazine is new and I believe using an attractive female model would attract readers. I assured that my model  was curvaceous in order to fit in with the rest of the models in the other R&B magazines.
I also tested out a few poses so that when I come to do my actual photo shoot I have an idea of what I am looking for. Below is one of the images from my first shoot.

 As seen below I tried to use one of the poses used by one of the most popular females in R&B (Nicki Minaj).
After analysing my picture I came to the conclusion that it was slightly pixelated due to the fact that the picture was taken on my phone. I also realised that the colour in my image was a bit washed out, as a result I decided that I had to use a higher quality camera and maybe try a different lighting e.g. Natural light.

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