Tuesday 10 May 2011

Evaluation- What I have learned about new technologies

I used Photoshop, Adobe fireworks and Microsoft powerpoint to edit my magazine. Although Microsoft powerpoint allowed me to do some basic croping and colour edititing, it did not allow me to do complex editing such as cropping around text. Fireworks provided a lot of the features of Photoshop however it caused my photos to come out quite pixilated. I found that photoshop was the best software to use to edit magazine, this is because it allowed me to tone, enhance abd change the appearance of any model. Despite all of the features offored by photoshop, fireworks and powerpoint, I still had to press a physical ruler against the computer screen to check measurements which goes to show that technology may not always be accurate and easy to use. I also had to re-do photoshoots using a different camera showing that not all new technology would be suitable for creating a magazinw

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